Discover Manufactuing Scholarship Criteria
How do I apply?
The online application is now available and will be due by 5 p.m. on March 15, 2025. Scholarships will be awarded based on an online application and a 500-word essay telling our selection committee:
“Why manufacturing is the right career path for me and how I plan to make a difference in a manufacturing environment.”
The essay should also answer:
“What experiences, related skills, or exposure to the manufacturing industry led you to pursue this industry?”
Be sure to discuss your involvement in events such as First Robotics, mechanical manufacturing work experience, Manufacturing Week events or videos, MiCareerQuest or other real-life exposure to manufacturing!​
Looking to renew your scholarship? These are renewable up to $1000 for past winners based on an application and interview with the selection committee. Applicants looking for renewal will not have to complete the essay.
How will my application be scored?
Funding may vary in award amounts based on number of winners and available funding.​
Scores of 75% to 80%: $500 Award​
Scores of 80% to 89%: $1000 Award​
Scores of 90% and above: eligible for maximum awards of $1500 to $2000
15 points: Spelling, grammar, and structure. (essay)
40 points: Answering both parts of the essay question to communicate why manufacturing is the right career path for you and how you plan to make a difference within a manufacturing environment.
15 points: An explanation of the experience, related skills, or exposure to manufacturing you have had
15 points: A statement of why funds are needed and how they will be utilized.
15 points: Resides within the identified seven county region or strong statement of connection to West Michigan.
What other criteria do I have to meet?
The application will ask why funds are needed and how they will be utilized as part of our scoring criteria. Criteria used in the awarding of these scholarships will also include:
Students in Kent, Ottawa, Allegan, Barry, Ionia, Montcalm or Muskegon counties will receive additional points. Students from surrounding areas may be considered with a strong statement of connection to West Michigan or attending school in West Michigan.
Essays will be reviewed by the Selection Committee and scored to identify Finalists.
Finalists will be interviewed (either virtually or in person) by members of the Scholarship Selection Committee prior to determining recipients.
Alternate non-monetary resources including mentorships, internships, training, and job shadowing opportunities may be offered to qualified individuals not ultimately selected for scholarship awards.
High school seniors selected must provide the selection committee with college acceptance documentation prior to funds being released.
Skilled trade recipients must provide the selection committee with enrollment documentation or acceptance information prior to funds being released.
If the above documentation paperwork cannot be provided, the offer of a scholarship may be withdrawn with an alternate recipient selected.​​
Scholarships will be awarded in person on May 21, 2025. Scholarship recipients and their spouses or parents/guardians will be invited to attend a reception where they will read their essay to Discover Manufacturing members and have an opportunity to interact with West Michigan manufacturers and educational partners.