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April 5 - 9  

Shining a spotlight on West Michigan's 
manufacturing industry

West Michigan Works! and Discover Manufacturing are shining a light on West Michigan’s high-demand industries. Join us April 5-9 as we highlight our region’s manufacturing industry.


The week will feature a job fair specifically for manufacturing employers, a segment on WZZM, a video focused on the industry in West Michigan, and events and resource for employers and job seekers. This is a great opportunity to celebrate great careers and opportunities in manufacturing.


More Michigan Manufacturing Facts:

  • Manufacturers in Michigan account for 19.38% of the total output in the state, employing 14.24% of the workforce.

  • Total output from manufacturing was $102.35 billion in 2019.

  • There are 630,000 manufacturing employees in Michigan with an average annual compensation of $79,320.10.


Manufacturing Virtual Job Fair

Wednesday, April 7 | 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Employer registration is now closed.


Manufacturing Industry 4.0 Panel Discussion : What are the Benefits of Automation From a Talent Perspective?

Thursday, April 8 | 2:00 p.m.

Join us for a virtual discussion! Panelists will discuss the benefits of automation from a talent perspective, productivity, cost savings and messaging to the existing workforce. The webinar will provide perspectives from the experts and outline resources for manufacturers looking to implement automation.

Register Now






  • A vibrant manufacturing base leads to more research and development, innovation, productivity, exports, and middle-class jobs. 

  • Manufacturing helps raise living standards more than any other sector. 

  • Manufacturing generates more economic activity than other sectors.


Every $1 spent in manufacturing creates $1.40 for the U.S. economy. It also supports a number of other industries — like retail and food service — that are focused around selling goods to consumers.


Without manufacturing, our economy would be in serious trouble.


Manufacturing is a vital part of the Michigan economy. Over 600,000 workers are employed in the manufacturing industry, ranking second only to health care in our state.


Advanced Manufacturing has experienced significant expansion in employment since 2009, nearly doubling the rate of employment growth in other sectors


With over 600,000 private-sector jobs, one in six Michigan workers are employed in manufacturing.

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