Sipò pou karyè ou nan manifakti.
DEkouvri bous MANIFAKTI
Depi 2023, Discover Manufacturing genakòde plis pase $ 25,000 nan bous detid bay elèv eksepsyonèl ki planifye sèvi ak konpetans yo ak edikasyon yo pou fè yon karyè rekonpanse nan endistri manifakti avanse. ​
Plizyè bous detid soti nan $ 500 a $ 2,000 yo pral bay:
Pou fòmasyon teknik metye kalifye, ki gen ladan edikasyon kontinyèl pou granmoun ak apranti.​
Pou gradye granmoun aje nan lekòl segondè k ap pouswiv yon diplòm nan pwogram ki gen rapò ak manifakti.
Bousdetid yo pral bay dapre enterè yo eksprime atravè yon aplikasyon sou entènèt ak yon redaksyon 500 mo ki di komite seleksyon nou an "Poukisa fabrikasyon se chemen karyè ki bon pou mwen ak kijan mwen planifye pou fè yon diferans nan yon anviwònman fabrikasyon."
Bousdetid yo renouvlab jiska $1000 pou benefisyè anvan yo baze sou yon aplikasyon ak yon entèvyou pa komite seleksyon an. Yo anile egzijans redaksyon an pou moun k ap resevwa renouvèlman yo. Bousdetid disponib pou yon maksimòm 2 ane.
Gayan bousdetid (yo):
Gayan (yo) bousdetid yo ak paran/responsab yo pral patisipe nan yon resepsyon prim kote ganyan yo pral li redaksyon yo pou manm Discover Manufacturing yo epi resevwa bousdetid yo.
​​Gayan(yo) bousdetid ap gen yon opòtinite tou pou kominike avèk manifaktirè yo ak patnè edikasyon yo.
With manufacturing accounting for 19% of Michigan's total output and employing 14% of the workforce, Discover Manufacturing is committed to helping students like you access the education you need to grow and innovate in the industry.
" I want to take a small step towards bringing more women into the world of manufacturing. I will be someone who is an encouraging, motivational, happy and enthusiastic speaker to the people around me."​
- Madison Hitts, scholarship winner
" The manufacturing industry is constantly evolving, and new innovators are needed every day. I plan on being part of the future that lays the foundation for success within the manufacturing field."​
- Hunter Rop, scholarship winner