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High-tech, high-skilled, and high-demand.


Manufacturing in West Michigan is thriving and needs talent — now and in the future. The industry offers a wide variety of career opportunities in engineering and technology, production, logistics and distribution, maintenance, installation and repair, business, management, and administration. 


Check out these facts about today’s manufacturing:


  • Every $1 spent in manufacturing creates $1.40 for the U.S. economy. It also supports several other industries — like retail and food service — that are focused on selling goods to consumers.  


  • A vibrant manufacturing base leads to more research and development, innovation, productivity, exports, and middle-class jobs. 


  • Manufacturers in Michigan account for 19.38% of the total output in the state, employing 14.24% of the workforce.  


  • Total output from manufacturing was $102.35 billion in 2018.  


  • There are 630,000 manufacturing employees in Michigan with an average annual compensation of $79,320.10.

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NN Mobile Solutions- Autocam Precision Components

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Scherdel Sales & Technology

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Wolverine Coil & Spring Co.

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